Monday, April 26, 2010

New Lights New Approach To Photography!

  Isn't it amazing the new found passion you find when you get new photo equipment?  Recently, I replaced my old model lights with some new Alien Bee strobe lights. Wonderful product and of course I was biting at the bit to use them.  Thanks to my actor and director friend, Dan, I was able to spend the afternoon utilizing my new lights.
While we were in Dan's living room, I found that I was shooting a whopping 200th of second at F/18, because Dan's living rooms interior space only allowed us to be in a space of approximately eight feet by eight feet. Yep, the lights probably gave Dan enough light he needed that he won't need to go out for a tan!  I was shooting a 1600 watt main light, 800 watt secondary and a 400 watt hair light.  Yes there was alot of light hitting my subject, but as you can tell the results were pretty impressive. The detail and sharpness amazed me, I could have stopped alot of action in place, including I think my subject blinking his eyes.
Now the product, Alien Bee's, a weird name for photo strobes but they are a great product for the price.  The company does have a more expensive higher end line of lights, but if you are like me, the wallet does not get to put out that many dollars at one time. I had a budget, I stuck to it and saved (gave up eating out for a couple of months and having paid off the car) I had put enough away to get all the lights that I wanted for a professional looking setup. I now swear by these lights and if you are interested in them, Google - "Alien Bee's" and look at the hardware packages. The company actually gives you a discount for buying more than one light, so you can't go wrong.  The "Beginner Bee" package gets you started with one light if you don't have the ready cash to buy three light. But if you can afford the "Professional Bee" package it is "the" package to get "stung" owning.  But the point being, get yourself some strobe lights and take your portrait photography to the next level.  Who knows maybe you will be doing famous celeb's too!!

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