Monday, May 31, 2010

Remembering Forgotten Heros - Thanking Those Who Served

Memorial Day, 2010 has come to a close and I would like to wish those who served, a "heartfelt thank you" for your duty to our country.  For those of you who were out capturing the days images, I hope you got photos that really brought home the point of this day. Yes, it is a day to celebrate with family and friends, but it is also a day of remembering those who "gave it all".  You got the barbecue and the kids playing, did you get a photo of a hero today?  How about the parades, did you find that shot that said "thank you for serving"? Shooting a parade is pretty challenging, given the fact your lighting conditions change all the time.  Yeah, you could stick your camera on automatic and get great shots, but what about the ones that have that Memorial Day impact.

You know the one of the old veteran sitting alone, looking stoic and obviously contemplating the past! Many times we look past these moments not realizing that this "hero" has his own moment to remember those "hero's in his life".  I imagine he goes back to the battle or battles and relives the battles all over again, like some ageless photographs, etched in his mind of some comrades who fell and never got back up. I imagine him feeling the pain in his heart of these friends who would never come home. And I imagine the pain of the wounds of battle that will live with him forever. What may seem an eternity of thoughts is just a mere few seconds of time, but did you get that shot?
 Or how about those folks in the parade that made up their own "reminder" signs. I mean the real creative ones that really bring the point home of "thanking those who served".  You know the real colorful red, white and blue ones that are so big they take both hands to hold on too!  And yes, you always see "God Bless America" but the one that has to say it all is the one on the other side that reads" We owe our Freedom to Vets", you know, those forgotten hero's who proudly served and gave you your freedom to have a day like today. Thanks to all who took that photo with your "hero" and got the memory, hugging your hero, thanking them for being there for all Americans. While I shot over 350 photos today, I feel I didn't get enough of the "hero's" who bravely served our country but what I did get will "Remember the Forgotten Hero's and Thank Those Who Served"!

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