Friday, November 27, 2009

Sunset South Lido Beach, Friday 11-27-2009

Well nature did not let us down this evening, if you were out at the beach in Sarasota FL, specifically South Lido, you were given another "eye candy" of a sunset!!  Not only was I able to catch this spectacular sunset but I was privileged to see a young woman in a wedding dress and a young man in a military uniform get married on this very cool November evening.  Good luck to that young couple whoever you are and I wish you a very colorful and bright future together.  Now, that out of the way, my location on South Lido was actually about 100 feet from the shore line and behind a small hill with sea oats on it.  I really enjoy this time of the year, the air is cool (makes the sky come alive with colors) but most of all it just makes photographing the sunset that much more unique and bearable than one of those summer searing nites.  So how do you get this type of sunset photo?  You start with a wide angle lens, 35 to 70mm,  your ISO is set at 200, aperture at f/11, shutter speed at 125 of a second.... vary the settings, changing shutter speed, open and close the aperture, you know the drill... vary your camera's ability to absorb light.  Make sure you have your camera on a tripod.  The perfectly still camera will capture amazing colors that you really don't see except on your digital camera's monitor.  I was quite surprised that there where so few people on the beach, most likely the cool weather and of course "Black Friday" was in progress.  For those of you who where shopping, you missed the view of a life time, otherwise I hope you got that big screen HD monitor so that you can view this image on the website ( !! Happy "Sunset Shooting" and if your new to photography, keep shooting and vary camera settings, you will learn what settings work best with your camera and when you view them on that HD monitor you bought, you will have sunsets to relive that magic that nature provides us, here in Florida.

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