Saturday, May 15, 2010

Honor Those Who Fought For Your Freedom

As Memorial Day approaches I was reminded this past week again, of those Hero's who fought for our freedom. Another military friend had past on Wednesday, my friend, Daniel W. Majors.  He was a highly decorated pilot from the Viet Nam war.  His passing will be sorely missed, as Dan was one of the most likeable persons you could ever meet.  Sadly, I just got to meet his family at his funeral, Dan being from St Louis did not give us time to meet family.  Dan was one of the few people who could get you to laugh without much effort on his part, but he could also make you think about what was going on, especially if you were into sports. Ole Dan loved his Dodgers and was always wanting to see St Louis play against them.
When I first met Dan and he introduced himself to me, he had the warmest welcome I think I've ever felt from anyone.  I was pretty fortunate to have met this wonderful person, but finding out about his military history was pretty impressive. Although I won't go into detail, the passing of this Hero is a grim reminder that so many Hero's are not apprecitated and remembered like they should be. I hope that this Memorial Day you will go out and photograph Hero's you know, if not for your own interest, be it for the history of that individual. After all, that Hero went were alot of people have never been and knew what he had to do, that Hero went into combat. There are no words to try to explain what fear, yet courage these Hero's faced in a time in there life when otheres were busy enjoying the freedoms that we have in this country. Memorial Day is two weeks away, thank a Hero and you just might want to get a photo with them too!

 National Cemetary in Sarasota FL 5-12-2010

1 comment:

Unknown said...

David, so sorry to hear of your friend's passing. Yes, these heroes do need to be remembered and honored. As the wife of a Vietnam veteran, I see first-hand some of the things these veterans deal with, not just Vietnam, but all past and current wars and conflicts. I didn't know your friend, but I pray that his family and friends will know peace in this time of loss. God bless you!