Sunday, November 14, 2010

Here Ye Here Ye the Medieval Fair is In Town

You still have one more weekend to go back to the times when knights ruled the world! November 20th and 21st (Saturday and Sunday) will be the next time you can go back into time.  You can see jousting knights, human chess matches and eat food of the period.  It is also a great place for photo opportunities. These knights make some serious noise hitting all that metal with just wooden swords, one can only imagine what kind of noise if they were real!!
So how do we photograph this fast pace action. I took this photo using an f-stop of F8 and a shutter speed of 125th of second.  There is a lot happening so I decided to let the 5 frames per second motor drive built into my D90 take over to catch some interesting actions. I really find the Medieval Fair a great photo heaven, most of the actors/characters are very gracious about allowing you to photograph them, which makes again, for some real interesting photos. There are many things going on at the fair that there will never be a dull moment to not get some really interesting photos. You can check out my website at : for more of these photos.  If you come on the weekend, you can find me and we can get some really great action and period type photos.  If you are interested call me or email me and we will set up a mini class and take the knights on for our own photo jousting match!!

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